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Type CY-1 Magnetic Sample transfer device

Type CY-1 Magnetic Sample transfer device Type CY-1 Magnetic Sample transfer device

Applications :

The sample transfer device is designed for ultrahigh vacuum Facility . With it Various special operaitons can be done in a controlled enviroment , while the ultrahigh vacuum is not to be damaged .

Type-2 sample magnetic sample transfer device

Type-2 sample magnetic sample transfer device

Applications :

The sample transfer device is designed for ultrahigh vacuum Facility . With it quikly sample transfer and replacment can be done in a controlled enviroment , while the ultrahigh vacuum is not to be damaged .

Specifications :

  • Torquemoment : 6-15kg·cm
  • Transfer distance : 500-1000mm
  • Traction force : 3-8kg·f
  • Deflection Angle : 0-360° arbitrarily lagging angle<1°
  • Leak rate : <1×10-8Pa·L/S
  • Bakeout temperature : ≤350°C
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