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High-Vacuum deposition system for functional thin film

High-Vacuum deposition system for functional thin film
High-Vacuum deposition system for functional thin film


Reasonable linear-layout high vacuum deposition system makes it easy to facilitate, fewer cross contaminated, and nice for process. Multi-target magnetron sputtering, organic MBE, film thickness measurement, purification of organic materials, and ultra clean operation can be easily realized with this system It is most suitable for organic/inorganic film deposition or doping.


  • Vacuum: 10-5Pa.
  • Evaporation method: MBE/magnetron sputtering.
  • Number of targets: 10(minimum sample mass can be as small as 5mg).
  • Film thickness measurement range: 0-0.5mm.
  • Procedure temperature control: up to 600°C for organic/1200°C for inorganic.
  • Volume of sublimation boat: 50CC 5CC 0.5CC
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