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Ultrahigh vacuum Gate Valve(Electric , Pneumatic , manual)

Ultrahigh vacuum Gate Valve(Electric , Pneumatic , manual) Ultrahigh vacuum Gate Valve(Electric , Pneumatic , manual)

Applications :

The Gate Valve has been designed to put through and cut off the airflow in ultrahigh vacuum system .

Feature :

1. The gate valve composed of handwheel and lead screw drive valve plate , which has the advantages of compact structure , stress evenly , good sealing performance and convenient disassembly and assembly . Applicable medium can be pure air or noncorrosive gases , Designed can be mounted in any direction .

2.Automatic operation of Pneumatic gate valve can be realized. Pressure of gas source 0.4~0.6MPa .

Specifications :

  • Leak rate : ≤6.6×10-8Pa·L/S
  • Bakeout temperature : 150°C valve open
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