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CZ Series Vacuum Magnetron Tungsten electrode arc melting furnace

CZ Series Vacuum Magnetron Tungsten electrode arc melting furnace

Applications :

Using the arc melting furnace, the harmful gas and impurity can be eliminated, purity of materials can be improved, and the alloy ingot can be casted. It is used be to smelt various metals ,refractory metals and alloy ,with advantage of short smelting time and simple operation.

Specifications :

  • Vacuum : 6.6×10-3Pa
  • Maximum current : 1200A
  • Working current : 700-900A
  • Elecrode : up or down 20mm by motor dirive
  • Crucibles : Water cooled, 4~6 hemispherical Crucibles (with ø20-30mm) installed around the crucibles with ø100
  • mould size : ø5×60 ø8×60 ø10×60
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Address: No.11#, Tangzi street, Dadong district, Shenyang, China Web: www.syhyzk.com Email: syhuiyu@VIP.163.com
Tel: 0086-24-24323981 24323982 Fax: 0086-24-24323982 H.P.: 13904015057 15940308341 13940597355 Postal Code: 110042 辽ICP备10014143号-1